Rupert Hartley
Rupert Hartley is a British visual artist living and working in Hove, East Sussex. Trained originally in printed textile design at the Glasgow School of Art later studied an MA in Architecture at University of East London.
His recent paintings focus on the grid; colour and the repeated gesture, using a layered approach he creates frameworks of colour through numerous re-paintings and revisions. His current inter-scenic series signals a bold new development in this work bringing together several strands of his practice from his previous works that play with formal geometries and reference his local environments.
A constant interest and reference in his work has been architecture and city space, from the ‘psychogeographic’ city-based projects of his early work to the spaces he currently lives in and encounters on a daily basis. He sees the city and its endless surfaces and built structures as his source material, living in an area that combines residential, industrial, municipal and touristic spaces he feeds off these environments noting aspects of the public and private spaces, its material surfaces, colours and changing light that act as a constant backdrop to his daily life.
These experiences filter into his studio practice, an open- ended process where he generates collections and series of works through an exploratory process. He sees his work as ‘constructing’ spaces as much as paintings, setting up an active working space in his studio, where he assembles materials and colours that lead to his paintings and installations. The emerging works reflect various time spans and edits, re uses and repurposing of materials, working on many pieces at the same time he builds large collections of related works.
We are delighted to represent Rupert Hartley exclusively in the Scandinavia and you can see a recent of series of works in our current International Group Exhibition until January 31st 2025.
No dust, no dance, no frame 1
Acrylic & flashe on canvas
40 x 30 cm
10 000 Kr / 900 €
No dust, no dance, no frame 3
Acrylic & flashe on canvas
40 x 30 cm
10 000 Kr / 900 €
The sky a dome
Acrylic & flashe on canvas
25,5 x 20.5 cm
8 000 Kr / 700 €
The softest light imaginable
Acrylic on repurposed Fabric
129 x 129 cm
26,000 Sek / 2,300 €
No dust, no dance, no frame 2
Acrylic & flashe on canvas
40 x 30 cm
10 000 Kr / 900 €
No dust, no dance, no frame 4
Acrylic & flashe on canvas
40 x 30 cm
10 000 Kr / 900 €
Full spectrum of light
Acrylic & flashe on canvas
25,5 x 20.5 cm
8 000 Kr / 700 €
The softest light imaginable (side)
Acrylic on repurposed Fabric
129 x 129 cm
26,000 Sek / 2,300 €
Way-far-out-in-the -distance (side)
Winter Song
Acrylic on Canvas
90 x 80 cm
Available 23,000 Sek / 2000 Euro
Winter Song Detail
Beach Stack
Acrylic on Canvas
90 x 80 cm
Available 23,000 Sek / 2000 Euro
Beach Stack
Acrylic on Canvas
90 x 80 cm
Available 23,000 Sek / 2000 Euro
Something Like Hope
Acrylic on Canvas
90 x 80 cm
Something Like Hope
Motherboard 1
Acrylic & Marker Pen on Canvas
52.5 x 40 cm
Available 18,000 Sek / 1600 Euro
Motherboard 2
Acrylic & Marker Pen on Canvas
52.5 x 40 cm
Available 18,000 Sek / 1600 Euro
Artist Biography
Rupert Hartley has exhibited both nationally and internationally recent exhibitions including:
Concrete Art, Pulchri Studio, The Hague, Netherlands.
Rising in the start of its arc, 19a Gallery, Brighton.
Hard Paper, Phoenix Art Space, Brighton.
Sublieme Vormtaal Minimale, Icoon Museum, Netherlands.
Inter-scenic, Nordic Art Agency, Malmö, Sweden.
Minim.AL longing for Donal Judd, Icoon Museum, Netherlands.
Niagra Falls, Returns, Dodo Gallery, Brighton.
The Cottage of Modern Art, Brighton.
Outfields, 57W57Arts, New York.
This Year’s Model, Studio 1.1 Gallery, London.
Outfields, Studio 50 Hove, Brighton.
Binary, Terrace Gallery, London and Shift Gallery, Cardiff.
KickOff – Volume 0, Contemporary Art Chronicle, Online.
Previous Exhibitions
MINIM:AL Longing for Donald Judd at ICOON Museum, Holland
Niagra Falls Projects: Returns, Gallery Dodo, Brighton UK,
BINARY, Terrace Gallery, London, UK,
Cottage of Modern Art, Brighton, UK,
This Year’s Model, Studio 1.1 Gallery, London, UK
Wells Art Contemporary, Wells Cathedral, Somerset, UK