Per Ekros


Per Ekros has been drawing since about 3 years of age. He has always been fascinated by faces, expressions and bodies. Animals are an intrinsic part of his life, and they form naturally and intuitively as the subject matter of his artworks. Per grew up being inspired by wildlife programmes and documentaries by Jaques-Yves Costeau and David Attenborough. His heart lies within the animal kingdom and our consumption of their environments, which impacts him deeply and his work is a reflection of this.

‘I want my pictures to engage and enable us all to reflect on how we treat the animals on our planet and how important they are for our survival. So, maybe we can change some of our natural behaviour and instincts for the better.’

Per Ekros has a daily ritual of sketching, primarily in charcoal and pencil. During his process he gradually begins to scale down and simplify, so the anatomy and characteristics of his subject are refined and reduced with one strong focus.

‘I don't try to paint nature motives naturally, I want some kind of abstraction in my pictures. The backgrounds are patterns and colours, not photorealistic nature. That puts more focus on the leading character in the picture. I just love oil colours, so most of my pictures naturally are oils. I think oil give a lot of experimental freedom and possibility to add new transparent layers on the old ones.

Ink and water is the big exclamation mark in my life and my newest friend. Ink combined with water is an absolutely fantastic medium to be spontaneous with. The polar bears I created for the exhibition King without Kingdom are all, with the exception of one, made with ink and water. As you can't control this process completely, it's fantastic when you lose a bit of control. It's a completely opposite working process compared to oil, and I suppose thats why simply I can't be without it.’

We are proud to represent Per Ekros as a Guest Artist at the Nordic Art Agency and currently his works are exhibited in the gallery as part of our International Group Exhibition until January 31st 2025.

View the NEW ARRIVALS digital exhibition catalogue below.

Polar Bear with Dragonflies

Oil on Canvas

360 x 200 cm

324 000 Kr / 28 500€

Polar Bear with Gorilla

Oil on Canvas

150 x 120 cm

81 000 Kr / 7100 €

Polar Bear with Humidity

Oil on Canvas

100 x 150 cm

68 000 Kr / 6000 €

Polar Bear with Neighbour

Oil on Canvas

100 x 120 cm

54 000 Kr / 4800 €

Polar Bear with Jellyfish

Oil on Canvas

150 x 100 cm

68 000 Kr / 6000 €

Polar Bear with Cats

Oil on Canvas

150 x 120 cm

81 000 Kr / 7100 €


New Arrivals No. 1

Oil on Canvas

20 x 20 cm

2500 Kr



Limited Edition

189 Kr

To The Ark No.13

152 x 102 cm

Oil on Canvas

68,000 Sek / 5800 €


To The Ark No.9

135 x 195 cm

Oil on Canvas

90, 000 SEK / 7700 €

Artist Biography


2023 Finalist in Svenska Publishing Prize in the category "coffee table books"

Accepted in Nordvästra Skänes Konstrunda

Big Feet, Solo Exhibition at Galleri Viken

Accepted as member of KRO (Konstnärernas Riksorganisation)

2022 Commission Assignements

2021 Höganäs Museum/ Konsthall JULSALONG

Kungen utan Rike / King without Kingdom, Solo Exhibition at Spritfabrikens Konsthall, Ödäkra

2021 Liljevalchs Varsalone 2021 (jurybedömd)

Liljevalchs Spring Exhibition 2021 (jury selection)

2020 Helt Animal, Separatutställning pä Galleri Viken

Totally Animalistic, Solo exhibition at Galleri Viken

2019 Svart pâ vitt /17: teckningstriennalen, Landskrona Konsthall (jurybedömd)

Black on White /17th drawing Triennial, Landskrona Konsthall (jury selection)

Vär Salong / Kulturhotellet (jurybedömd, jury selection)

2018 Var Salon / Helsingbores Dagblad (jurybedömd, jury selection)

Värsalongen / Krapperups Konsthall (jurybedömd, jury selection)