Caroline Attan
Caroline Attan is a British artist who works from her studio in London. She has exhibited in London, New York and internationally and her work can be found in many private collections.
In Caroline’s work, poetry, paradox and metaphor collide as coloured, patterned and folded structures interact creating a woven, textual narrative. Absorbed into a dense circular composition of folded shapes rotate above a grid of hand written poetry.
Latin American poetry, handwritten in ink forms part of the work selected from writer including Coral Bracho, Juan Luis Martinez, Elikura Chihuailaf, Pablo Neruda and Octavio Paz. The works are unsettling and exhilarating in their complexity. Culturally significant in context and language the elements of the poetry are interpreted through colour and rhythm. The visual and tactile impact of these works reference the dynamic and often clashing colours and complex patterns of Peruvian and Mexican woven textiles.
The sequence of hand written narrative is partially obscured by the folded paper forms as words and phrases pop out intermittently. Some of the work use coloured, folded shapes weaving complex and dynamic patterns, bright colours contrast with subtle tones and darker hues, illuminating the possibility of multiple futures. The large-scale circles invite an immersive experience as coloured folded forms simultaneously harmonise and clash in defiance of written language.
A large, predominantly cream picture, Sube Conmigo, handwritten in the circular grid and printed on the folded forms is an extract from a poem ‘The heights of Macho Picchu’ by Pablo Neruda. The picture’s cream folded forms continually rotating above the circular grid creates an immersive, subtle composition.
Smaller works allow for quieter contemplation, a private dialogue likened to ancient calligraphy, secrets not quite revealed but are yet to be discovered. Circular, reductive mono-tone compositions using only black, white and cream pulsate subtly through tone and texture encouraging the viewer to enter a private, calm place. The form of the circle allows for diversity and repetition, secure in its continuous rotation. forming a sculptural, tactile composition.
A circular grid incorporating handwritten text taken from the ending of James Joyce’s Dubliners in two pictures creates a sudden tide of joy and laughter and adieus which maybe likened to an antique manuscript. Folded, printed patterned paper like damask cloth rotate above the poem on cream card. These compositions evoke Joyce’s Ireland in 1914 and feelings of nostalgia, memory and loss as the snow begins to fall all over Ireland.
‘A few light taps upon the pane made him turn to the window. It had begun to snow again. He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falling obliquely against the lamplight. The time had come for him to set out on his journey westward.’
We are delighted to represent Caroline Attan exclusively in Scandinavia.
Paper collage, handwritten poetry on card
84cm x 84cm
39,000 SEK / 3300€
El oro del silencio
Paper Collage, Handwritten Poetry on Card
84cm x 84cm
39,000 SEK / 3300€
Noche de Sueños
Paper Collage on Card
84cm x 84cm
39,000 SEK / 3300€
The dark blackness of Noche de sueños (night of dreams) alludes to multiple interpretations and evocations simultaneously. The movement and texture of the black folded forms create a minimalist circular composition that continually rotates and evolves. In darkness there is light as colours can be seen or imagined illuminating a fictitious landscape.
Laughter and adieus
Paper Collage, Handwritten Poetry on Cream Card
60cm x 60cm
24,500 SEK / 2000 €
Cream Paper Collage on Cream Card
60cm x 60cm
25,000 SEK / 2100 €
Sueño (dream) composed of tiny cream folded forms expanding and rotating in a circular grid on cream card inspires quiet contemplation and a very personal interpretation.
Fuera de mí
Paper Collage, Handwritten Poetry on Cream Card
42 cm x 42 cm
15000 SEK / 1300 €
Entre Tus Bosques
Paper Collage, Handwritten Poetry on Cream Card
42 cm x 42 cm
15000 SEK / 1300 €
Artist Biography
Selected Exhibitions
2024 On paper, 9-30 March 2024, Campden Gallery, High Street, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, GL55 6AG
2023 Selected work, Group Show, Gloucester Room, 3 July until 8 September, 5 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UT
2023 Clay, Ink, Paper, Nordic Art Agency, 26 July - 21 October, Stora Nygatan 56, Malmö, Sweden
2023 Selected Work, Northcote Gallery, 8 January- 8 March, 110 Northcote Road, London SW11 6QP
2022 día desconocida, solo show, Northcote Gallery, 22 October - 13 November, 110 Northcote Road, London SW11 6QP
2022 Solo Show, Gloucester Room (Railings Gallery), 8 August - 11 September, 5 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UT,
2022 y llega siempre, Solo Show, Northcote Gallery, 26 January - 16 February, 110 Northcote Road, London SW11 6QP
2021 Sunstone, Solo Show, 24 July - 28 August, Railings Gallery, 5 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UT
2020 Selected Work, 1 July - 30 September, Railings Gallery, 5 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UT
2020 to dream in this valley, Solo Show, 2 May - 22 May (online gallery due to Covid restrictions)), Railings Gallery, 5 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UT
2019 Selected Work, 1-24 December, Railings Gallery, 5 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UT
2019 These Fleeting Days, Solo Show, 12 April - 4 May, Railings Gallery, 5 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UT
2018 Selected Work, 1-24 December, Railings Gallery, 5 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UT
2018 AAF Battersea, 17-21 October, Northcote Gallery
2018 Selected Work, 1June- 28 July, Railings Gallery, 5 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UT
2018 New Work, 21 March- 15 April, Northcote Gallery, 110 Northcote Road, London SW11 6QP
2017 AAF Battersea, 18-22 October, Northcote Gallery
2017 Con Sonrisa, Solo Show, 11 March - 2 April, Northcote Gallery, 110 Northcote Road, London SW11 6QP
2016 AAF Battersea, 19-23 October, Northcote Gallery
2016 El Sueño, Solo Show, 21January-16 February, Northcote Gallery, 110 Northcote Road, London SW11 6QP
2015 AAF Battersea, 22-25 October, Northcote Gallery
2015 Summer Exhibition, 1 August- 11 September, The Gallery at ice, Windsor
2015 Breath of Fresh Air, Group Show, 23 April- 17 May, Byard Art, 14 King's Parade, Cambridge
2015 Group Show, 31 March- 30 April, Northcote Gallery, 253 King's Road, London
2015 Selected work exhibited at The Gallery at ice, Windsor
2015 AAF Brussels, 6-9 February, Bicha Gallery
2014 AAF Singapore, 21-23 November, Bicha Gallery
2014 AAF Hamburg, 13-16 November, Bicha Gallery
2014 Art Toronto, 24-27 October, Bicha Gallery
2014 AAF Battersea, 23-26 October, Bicha Gallery
2014 AAF Stockholm, 2-5 October, Bicha Gallery
2014 KIAF, Korea International Art Fair, 25-29 September, Bicha Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2014 Art Southampton, 24-28 july, Bicha Gallery, NY, USA
2014 Art Hamptons, 11-13 July, Bicha Gallery, NY USA
2014 AAF Hampstead, Spring, 12-15 June, Bicha Gallery
2014 AAF New York, Spring, 2-6 April, Bicha Gallery
2014 AAF Hong Kong, 20-23 March, Bicha Gallery
2014 AAF Brussels, 6-10 February, Bicha Gallery
2014 London Art Fair, 14-19 January, Bicha Gallery
2013 AAF Singapore, 21-24 November, Bicha Gallery
2013 Cambridge City Art Fair, 14-17 November, My Life in Art
2013 AAF Battersea, 24-27 October, Bicha Gallery
2013 AAF Stockholm, 3-6 October, Bicha Gallery
2013 Buy Art, Manchester, 26-29 September, My Life in Art
2013 AAF Hampstead, 13-16 June, My Life in Art
2013 AAF Battersea, 6-10 March, My Life in Art
2013 Scream Gallery, work on consignment
2012 AAF Singapore, 15-18 November, Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery
2012 AAF Hampstead, 1-4 November, Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery
2012 Art Toronto, 26-29 October, Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery
2012 Young Collectors, 17 October- 2 November, Rebecca Hossack Gallery, Mott Street, NYC
2012 AAF Fall, New York City, 4-7 October, Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery
2012 Summer mixed show, 5 -31 August, 2012, Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery, Mott Street, NYC
2012 Londinium Exhibition, Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery, Conway St.
2012 Art Hamptons , Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery, Hamptons, USA
2012 Art Melbourne, Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery
2012 Nature: Mixed Show, 5 May-2 June at Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery, Conway Street
2012 AAF Battersea, Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery, London
2012 20/21 International Art Fair, Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery, Royal College of Art, London
2012 Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery, Charlotte Street, London
2012 Catto Gallery, Hampstead, London
2012 London Art Fair, TAG Fine Arts Islington, London
2011 AAF Hampstead, TAG Fine Arts, London
2011 AAF Battersea, The Art Movement, London
2011 Art London, Chelsea, The Art Movement
2011 The Avenue Bar and Restaurant, The Art Movement, London
2011 AAFNYC Tag Fine Arts, New York City, USA.
2011 ‘Image to Object’ The Red Gate Gallery, London
2010 ‘Art in Mind’, The Brick Lane Gallery
2009 ‘The Discerning Eye Exhibition’, The Mall Galleries.
2009 The Islington Contemporary Art Fair
2008 ‘Water series’, Lauderdale House, London
2002 University of Portsmouth, Ph.D. Research Doctorate ‘Significant Objects in Migrant’s Experiences.’
1993 Middlesex University, MA History of Design
1982 University of Sussex, Postgraduate Certificate in Art Education
1981 Winchester School of Art BA (Hons), Fine Art (Sculpture)
1980 L’ecole de Beaux Arts, Dijon. (Spring term; Bronze casting)
1978 Harrow School of Art, Certificate in Foundation Studies (Art)
2006: ‘Hidden Objects in the World of Cultural Migrants: Significant Objects Used by European Migrants to Layer Thoughts and Memories’ in Histories and Memories; Migrants and Their History in Britain; Part III: ‘Memory, Metaphor and Material Culture’, Ed. K. Burrell and P. Panayi, Taurus Academic Studies, pp.171-188 ISBN 1845110420.
2001: ‘Hidden Objects in the Worlds of Cultural Migrants’. Conference publication, Making and Unmaking: Creative and critical practice in a designed world Annual Conference 2000. Design History Society. ISBN 1861372272
Teaching and Lecturing
2003-2009 Part-time lecturer, North London Arts. Contextual and Historical Studies in Art and Design. Tutor for Art and Design studio practice. Foundation Degree Fashion, Graphics and Media studies.
2004-2005 Visiting lecturer, University of London, Department of Romance Studies, lecturing on MA Cultural Memory.
1982-1998 Teacher, Art and Design, London secondary schools
Conference Papers
2008: ‘Broken Lines of Communication’ Symposium, ‘The making and re-making of European History after 1945, Birbeck College, University of London (24 October). Research into ‘post-memory’ demonstrated through a series of collages and paintings that reflect the memories of my dislocated ancestry.
2007: ‘Objects and Identity: Sensory orientation through the arrangement of objects and furniture, Conference, ‘Sustainability and Quality of Life, at RGB-IBG, The Royal Geographical Society (29-31 August)
2006: ‘Inherited Objects: How the Body Remembers’ Congress Cath. ‘The Afterlife of Memory’, University of Leeds (5-8 July).
2005: Paper entitled ‘Inherited Objects: How the Body Remembers’ conference ‘People and Their Pasts’, Ruskin College, Oxford University (September)
2004: ‘Hidden Objects: The articulation of self-identity across discontinuity in life experience’, The Politics of Cultural Memory Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University (November).
2004: ‘Hidden Objects: The articulation of self-identity across discontinuity in life experience’ at the second Culture and the Unconscious Conference. SOAS (July).
2003: ‘Hidden Objects: The articulation of self-identity across discontinuity in life experience’ History Conference- Immigration, History and Memory, De Montfort University, Leicester (September 6-7) .
2002: Seminar, Another Land, Another Voice: The Literature of Exile. Exiled Writers Ink! Soho Theatre. Paper entitled ‘Hidden Objects in the Worlds of Cultural Migrants’ (May).
2001: Living in the Material World III: ‘Navigating the Material World’
The Design Council Archive at the University of Brighton. Paper entitled ‘Hidden Objects in the Worlds of Cultural Migrants’.
2000: ‘Making and Unmaking’, creative and critical practise in a designed world. Annual Conference, Design History Society, University of Portsmouth, paper entitled ‘Hidden Objects in the worlds of Cultural Migrants’ (7-9 September).