Frédéric Blaimont
Frédéric Blaimont is a French figurative painter and observer of contemporary life. He takes an uncompromising look at the people around us, at those we meet but do not look at.
He does not seek to represent the reality of the subject but to propose to the other's gaze what he perceives as essential. It is a narrative painting freed from conventions that wants to say as little as possible to say it as well as possible.
Human beings are the players in these ordinary commonplace narratives. With blank solid colour backgrounds, the environment and backdrop of the compositions are irrelevant as the body language and physicality of the subjects dominate the compositions.
Figures are surveyed by Frédéric and reproduced in a simplified form, reducing detail to seek out a greater representation of truth. This often results in the strange and obscure elements of life being explored and evaluated, resulting in honestly and at times the grotesque.
His works will allow you to leisurely criticise the supposed delinquencies, flaws, and inconsistencies found in society. In contrast, the paintings feel smooth, almost delicately and restfully executed. The subdued pastel palettes, plain backgrounds, and monochromatic play make the figures almost feel poetic.
Frédéric paintings are profiles of accuracy, with a subtle dusting of condemnation. He captures men and women; exploring our relationships with bodies, with food, and the unavoidable issue of excess and overconsumption.
‘I don't know what I'm looking for, and I don't necessarily think about it.
I am curious about my contemporaries, about people in their everyday lives. I like to look at their attitudes without complacency; I like their faults; their banality makes them universal; their imperfections are familiar to me.
Let's perhaps say that I try to share my feelings, my vision of our society, to be in a way the witness of my time.’
Frédéric Blaimont lives and works in the Landes. He began his professional career in advertising and teaching graphic arts. Since 2007, he has devoted himself fully to painting.
We are proud to represent the painting of Frédéric Blainmont exclusively in the Nordics.
Installations shots of the solo gallery exhibition by Frederic Blaimont.
Oil & Pencil on Canvas
120 x 120 cm (Framed)
60,000 Sek / 5400 €
A Funny History
Oil and Pencil on Canvas
97 x 195 cm (Framed)
78,000 Sek / 7000€
A Scent of Freedom
Oil & Pencil on Canvas
80 x 80 cm (Framed)
30,000 Sek / 2700€
Bare Foot Girl
Oil & Pencil on Canvas
80 x 80 cm (Framed)
30,000 Sek / 2700 €
Big Holiday
Oil & Pencil on Canvas
50 x 50 cm (Framed)
15,000 Sek / 1300 €
Puzzled Little Fathers
80 x 97 cm (Triptych)
32,000 Kr / 3000€
Large Embrace
Oil, Pencil on Canvas
80 x 80 cm (Framed)
30,000 Sek / 2700€
Small Embrace
Oil, Pencil on Canvas
80 x 80 cm (Framed)
30,000 Sek / 2700 €
The Race
Oil and Pencil on Canvas
120 x 120cm (Framed)
60,000 Sek / 5400€
The Backpackers
Oil and Pencil on Canvas
120 x 120cm (Framed)
60,000 Sek / 5400€
The Bags
Oil and Pencil on Canvas
50 x 130 cm (Framed)
25,000 Sek / 2200 €
Oil, Pen and Pencil on Wood Panel
50 x 50 cm
13,000 Sek / 1100€
Oil and Pencil on Wood Panel
50 x 50 cm
13,000 Sek / 1100€
Oil and Pencil on Wood Panel
50 x 50 cm
13,000 Sek / 1100€
Oil and Pencil on Wood Panel
50 x 50 cm
13,000 Sek / 1100€
Oil and Pencil on Wood Panel
50 x 50 cm
13,000 Sek / 1100€
Oil and Pencil on Wood Panel
50 x 50 cm
13,000 Sek / 1100€
Frédéric Blaimont Artist Biography
Distinctions & Training
Laureate "Renée Bernard Prize" from the Taylor Foundation (2017)
Nominated for the Luxembourg Art Prize (2015)
by Galerie Hervé Lancelin
Grand Prize at the Salon des Artistes Méridionaux (2008)
School of Graphic Art (Kunstgewerbeschule) - Basel - Switzerland
National School of Decorative Arts (ArtDeco)- Paris
Massier in the workshop Met de Penninghen - Paris
C.A.P. painter decorator - Meaux
Personal Exhibitions
Nordic Art Agency Gallery - Malmö, Sweden
Centre d'art contemporain de l'Aveyron - France
Art du temps Gallery Cléon d'Andran - Drôme, France
Rêvons c'est l'heure - Tours, France
Taylor Foundation - Paris
Fert Gallery - Yvoire, France
Galerie de l'Ancien Courrier - Montpellier, France
COX gallery - Bordeaux
Airial galerie - Mimizan
Galerie L’âne Bleu - Marciac
Galerie Art du temps Luxart Arlon - Belgique
Galerie De l'Ancien Courrier - Montpellier
Galerie Courcelles Art Contemporain - Paris
Galerie Art du temps - Cléon d'Andran - Drôme
Galerie De l'Ancien Courrier - Montpellier
Galerie Duchoze - Rouen
Centre d'Art Contemporain - Mont-de-Marsan
Galerie Sakah - Toulouse
Galerie Anagama - Versailles
Galerie Sparts - Paris
Galerie “de toutes les couleurs” - Saint-Clar
Galerie Yves Callet-Molin - Vevey - Suisse
Galerie “Rien” Aix en Provence
Galerie Roger Betti - Toulouse
Galerie l'Âne Bleu - Marciac
Collective exhibitions
Rêvons c'est l'heure - Tours, France
Salon Comparaison Grand Palais - Paris
Maumu Gallery Maumusson - Laguian, France
Charron Gallery - Paris gallery week-end
Charron Gallery Discovery Art fair - Cologne, Germany
Nordic Art Agency Gallery - Malmö, Sweden
M Fine Arts Gallery - Boston, USA
Galerie L'Angélus New Art - Barbizon, France
Galerie de l'Ancien Courrier - Montpellier, France
Nordic Art Agency Gallery - Malmö, Sweden
M Fine Arts Gallery - Boston, USA
Galerie L'Angélus New Art - Barbizon, France
M Fine Arts Galerie - Boston - USA
Salon Comparaison - Grand Palais - Paris
Galerie Château de Maumusson - Gers
Galerie L’Angélus New Art - Barbizon
Galerie Anagama - Versailles
Galerie Art du temps - Cléon d'Andran - Drôme
Galerie de l'Ancien Courrier - Montpellier
Biennale Centre Culturel André Malraux - Le Pecq
Salon Comparaison - Grand Palais - Paris
Passage à l'Art - Cherbourg
Salon Art Up - galerie du Château - Lille
Salon Saint Sever de Rustan - Invité d'honneur
Salon Comparaison - Grand Palais - Paris
Les 111 les arts - Toulouse
Salon Comparaison - Grand Palais - Paris
Les 111 les arts - Toulouse
Salon de la Figuration critique - Paris
Fondation Taylor - Paris Lauréat " prix Renée Bernard"
Salon de la Figuration critique - Paris
Foire Internationale d'Art Actuel en Pouilly fumé
Salon Art Karlsruhe - galerie Roy Sfeir - Allemagne
Salon Art Up - galerie Nicole Evin - Lille
Salon Macparis - Paris
Galerie Hervé Lancelin
nominé au Luxembourg Art Prize 2015 - Luxembourg
Galerie Lacroix - Québec - Canada
Galerie du Pont-Neuf - Paris
Galerie Roger Betti - Toulouse
Salon des Artistes Méridionaux - Toulouse
Salon des Artistes Méridionaux - Grand Prix - Toulouse
Galerie L'étang d'Art - Bages - France
Espace Saint-Nazaire - Sanary-sur-mer